Saturday, December 6, 2008

New Blog - Marketing and Business Tips

Hey everyone, started a new blog. It's about business tips and strategic marketing analysis as well as procedures, tutorials, and much more to becoming succesful!
Check it out if you want to read about finance, business, the economy, and marketing.


JB Media Connections - Your Source For Online Marketing and Business Information

Monday, May 12, 2008

I'm Back.

Hey guys, I just wanted to say how sorry I am for not upkeeping my blog. I'm back now, I was facing some family and financial problems for a while which did not allow me the time to do what I really wanted. I'm back now though, so stay tuned in because there should be a post a day from now on.

Sorry again readers

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

GPT Sites.. What are they?

Well, GPT stands for Get Paid To. This means get paid to complete offers, search online, complete surveys, trials, and other type of offers. There's many GPT sites out there, but for now I'll discuss how they exactly work.

1. Most GPT sites have referral based programs.
This means that if you have someone join their site under your referral link, you'll get a certain % or a certain amount of what they make. A lot of sites also let you get a percentage for the referrals that YOUR referrals get!

2. Do offers. The main thing you have to remember while doing offers, especially freebies, is to clean up your cookies. Not sure what this means? No Problem!! There's a program that does all that messy work for you and I highly approve of it!!! You can get this program HERE . Again I highly recommend this program because it works very well, and very fast. As long as you use that program in between offers, you should have no problem with your offers approving.

3. Free Trials. Yes a lot of them do require credit cards, however they pay out a lot more. I'd advise you to only do the free trials that you are interested in, unless you have some tricks you can get across. Number 1 thing to remember when doing free trials is read the Agreement that you're signing to before you do it. I can't express enough how important this is.

4. Proof of payment. The best thing about these GPT sites is the fact that they have proof that they pay the people! All of them do. So make sure to check that out on a GPT site because that is a way to know you're dealing with a legit site.

5. Cashout!! Cash out and make your money!!! Most GPT sites are based on a NET 30 program. This means you get payed every 30 days. Usually how this works is if you made the minimum required to cashout for the GPT site the month before, you'll get the check for that by the end of the next month.

6. I just want to say good luck to everyone in their endeavor to create better success financially. I know these GPT sites have helped me out quite a bit, and I hope they can do the same for you.

Want to join some great, successful, easy, and proven to pay GPT Sites?
Then check out a list of good GPT sites HERE.

Enjoy, if you have any questions regarding GPT sites please feel free to comment your question and I'll do my best to answer them.

Gotti (Movie Review)

Ever heard of this movie? Ever even seen it? A lot of people haven't due to the fact that it was a TV movie that was aired on the network of HBO. In my opinion, this has got to be one of the greatest movies ever to be filmed.
What the hell is it? John Gotti was a former soldier for the Gambino mobster family in New York. Armand Assante plays the actual role of Gotti so well, that in my mind, when I picture the Gambino Family, I see his face.
I would tell the whole story here, but that'd defeat the purpose I guess, wouldn't it? The main point of this post is if you have not seen this movie, go out to rent it now! It's a must see movie and I promise you wont be disappointed by it.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

New Tattoo!!

Well guys and gals... we all know about the crazy world of getting tattooed. But it's finally come my time where I'm planning on getting one. If I was to get one it'd have to have a wave (that looks fierce) and a moon incorporated in it. One other thing I want incorporated in it is the words "Only God Can Judge Me" in a type of cursive. So far the best and closest match I've found online has been on Tattoo Johnny.

If anyone else has any suggestions on where I can find something close to what I'm looking for, let me know!!! Comment here.. Right now I'm mainly looking at ideas, but those seem to match my personality the best. I plan on putting it right on the top right side of my back on my shoulder blade. If anyone has suggestions let me know!! When I get it done, I'll put the picture up!! Expect a couple weeks to two months before I get it done though!!

Thanks Readers!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Trying to Get on the Road to Financial Freedom?

Have you been online for some time now? Always seeing how there's supposable ways to make an extra income of some sort through websites. Is this actually possible? Yes, it is and it's very possible.

To me, the main thing in becoming successful in your road to financial freedom is surrounding yourself by people with the same mindset as you, as long as it's a positive one of course.

So of course, a lot of people might even wonder... Where can I find someone that is willing to take the time to help me out with certain questions online without making me pay for them? Where can I go to find these people in the same mindset as me?

Well, the best way to go about this is by joining a community with, as I said before, the same mindset as you. By community I mean anything from a blog, web page, to forums. But for right now I'd like to further expand on a community I've been with that's helped me out a lot with me getting on my own two feet and heading towards the doors for financial freedom. This community is called the Independent World Community. The IWC (Independent World Community) is a forums full of very informative people with how to become successful financially. It ranges from making money on GPT, PTC, Affiliate sites, blogs, businesses, and much much more. So how much does it cost to join these forums that have tons of information at your fingertips?!?

Absolutely nothing!! Just drop by and register. If you're having any questions at all about financial things, this would be a great place to check out.

So why not get those answers you've always been looking for from experienced people from the IWC Community? Come on over and join us for a chat!

Independent World Community
- Financial Freedom at Your Fingertips!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A Great Traffic Source

So have you been sitting around posting on your blog, updating your website, and so forth and not exactly sure on how to get more traffic to your URL?

Well I'm going to bestow upon you one of the best ways to get your site "out there". Article Submissions. That's correct, article submissions. Make an article that relates to your blog and put your blog link in it. But is it really just as simple as that?

Pretty much yea, it is. The way you have to think about it though is, what would make other people more interested to visit my site? Consider that question while writing an article and I promise you'll come out with some pretty decent content. And we all know that if you have five articles roaming around relating and linking to your blog through different article submission sites every week or even every month, you'll notice a big spike in your traffic.

So which services are out there where you can submit articles you might ask?
Here's a list that I've been acquainted with and using:
1. EzineArticles
2. Article City
3. USFreeAds - *Note* - This site is much better with the premium service seeing how the normal service doesn't offer a lot of features.
4. Go Articles
5. Hawkeye Articles

Overall, article submissions is great for a number of things. Not only for getting great targeted traffic, promoting affiliate sales, and much much more.

Good Luck and Keep Pressing on!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Marijuana Vending Machines

Have you heard about the new buzz over in medical herb shops in California? Apparently they have a new way of dispensing medical marijuana through a vending machine. It's a very high tech machine that takes drastic measures to make sure that only the people who are prescribed to it can get it.

Enough with the mumbo jumbo, check out the video on it yourself, it was broad casted on the news a while ago, but I just found out about it and thought it was quite interesting so I figured I'd share.


Bike Week Comes to an End in Daytona

Well, if you weren't in Daytona Beach last week you missed out!! Not only is it spring break, but last week was biker week. Tons of people from all of the place come to Daytona Beach at this time of the year to hang out with fellow bikers, drink, party, and to show off a few motorcycles.Seeing how my mom and sister live in Daytona, I had to make sure I came for at least one night during the time. It was crazy. Ladies are all around completely naked!! But are they naked? What they end up having on is the airbrush paint and I promise if you go next year you'll see more gals painted up in that!

Of course, I had to get my pre-game on seeing how I'm only 18. Let me just tell you one thing, and one thing for sure... Fake ID's work nicely.


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Spring Forward!!

Spring Forward!!! Just in case you readers have forgot, last night everyone was supposed to set their clock an hour forward. So this is just a reminder to anyone who might have forgotten.

I hate losing an hour of sleep...

Another Drunken Night..

Well, last night was crazy and nothing less. Let me plan out for you the way my day went.

First me and my best friend decided not to go to work just for the hell of it. We're sick of the job we're at right now, and we planned on getting new ones today. When we first got home we opened a bottle of Rare Breed Wild Turkey and killed it with another two of our friends. By this time, you can just imagine, I was hammered sipping off that 108 proof whiskey.

Now it was about 1:00 A.M. Another one of my friends called me, and I went over to his house for a few drinks with him and some girls. From there the night just got out of control. Pretty much I got so drunk, I don't remember a lot of the things that happened. Which isn't always a good thing. I guess we ended up going to a club and a bar afterwards, but I barely can even recall it.

Another Day in the Life of a Drunken College Student I guess...

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Vacation Ideas?

Have you ever been sitting around wondering to yourself, where's the next place to visit that will really impact me? Well, let me tell you of one vacation you will not forget. The Florida Keys!!! One thing I will guarantee you'll see the whole time is clear waters and palm trees all around the beaches as in the picture.

From personal experience, the Florida Keys is kind of an expensive place. How would I know? Well I lived practically my whole life in this so called paradise. Vacation wise, I must say this would be the ideal place to visit at least once. However, the first time you visit, I guarantee you'll be back. Especially if you visit during the end of October with the crazy Fantasy Fest parade going on in Key West.

None the less, if you're looking for a good vacation time, the keys is the place to visit. Living their my whole life, trust me, there is really nothing like it.

Beautiful clear blue waters, real sand, palm trees everywhere, tropical atmosphere, and much more is what you can expect when you visit the keys. But I cannot stress enough if you go to the keys that you need to get out on the water!! Whether your fishing, para sailing, diving, spearfishing, tubing, or doing whatever floats your boat. Just get out on the boat!
I hope some of you will consider this as a place to vacation because I promise you will not regret the decision.

Friday, March 7, 2008

McCain - Republican Runner

Well, it's been finalized. While currently the democratic party is having a battle between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to determine who would represent their party, John McCain has dominated in the republican race. This makes him the primary runner for the presidential election for the Republican party for the year of 2008.

So, at least now that you voters know that the only republican you can vote for president is John McCain. But a lot of people wonder what does this man offer? What does he offer for the republican party? But most importantly, what does he have to offer to the nation?

Well, most people will tell you the one thing they know to be true about John McCain. He's a war fanatic. Would he really put an end to the war in Iraq or would he just keep it going? Unfortunately, a lot of these answers to these questions we all want to hear are just being fed to us at this point. We cannot determine if these statements and answers that presidential candidates are saying are true or false until they get to the White House.

Overall, would I vote for McCain? The answer is, probably not. I'm not real sure I like his war happy attitude, even though the man's life has been the military. I am a registered Republican, but I do not believe in voting for someone just because I am registered to that party. I personally like Obama's visions and talks of change in this presidential election more than anything at this current time.

Even if you don't agree with who I like, it's important to vote. Make sure to go out in November and make the vote because this person will be OUR president for the next 4 years.
Good luck, and God Bless America.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Is Their Ways To Make Legit Money Online?

Well the answer is yes.
Here's a few things I know of and used to earn money online in the past.

1. GPT Sites (Get Paid To) - Basically on these sites you do surveys, sign up for trials, offers, and etc. and get paid for doing so.

2. PTC Sites (Paid To Click) - You get paid to click on ads. Most of the good and legit sites pay at least 1 cent per ad clicked.

To find more information on GPT and PTC sites click here

3. Stocks - Stocks are a share of a company. Basically when you buy one, you own a small portion of a company. Of course stocks are very tricky, especially at this time and age with the supposable economy going bad on us.

For more info on stocks click here

I'll add more to this later as I continue looking for ways to make money online.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Stereotypes on Me

I had to write this essay for English, so what the heck, I'll post it up here. Let me know what you all think. Tell me if it's college level writing or not.

Have you ever been one of those people that just felt like you were being placed into a group just because of how you appear, seem, or look? These groups are also known as stereotypes and I, myself, have also been placed into them on numerous occasions. Not only is this wrong, but it’s also, in my opinion, very unethical. Whether you play basketball, work and go home, eat a lot, or even just hang out with friends, chances are you’re being stereotyped.
I remember when I was younger, around fourth grade; I had a small problem with my speech. I always had good grades, however, since I had that small problem with my speech a lot of kids considered me stupid. Being just thrown into the stereotype of being stupid was not only demeaning but was also very offensive to me. Not to mention, at the time I was only ten years of age. Eventually, the other kids around me noticed that I wasn’t an idiot and that I could even help them out with some of the things they were having trouble with.
Another time when I was stereotyped was during my time in middle school. I was about thirteen years old and at that time of my life, I was very active in a sport called skateboarding. I can recall every day after school going directly to the skate park to get my normal daily dosage of exercise in. Of course, I had friends who also skateboarded with me day after day. Eventually, other peers in our classes considered us the “punks” of the school. We were stereotyped into a group that caused problems just because we were partaking in a sport we loved. I had trouble getting help from teachers, other peers, and even people from the community due to the poor judgment calls that were made by other fellow students.
However, no matter how old you are, there will always be stereotypes that follow along. For example, I’m now at the age of eighteen. I like to look good, in appearance, so I have always dressed nice and stylish. I have been known to wear urban type of clothing, because it’s the kind that appeals to me. With me being of the Caucasian gender and wearing urban clothing, I’ve always been stereotyped. People have called me all types of names even including some that are very discriminating. Friends and family will tell me to dress differently to be treated differently. But, I’m not the one to believe in talk like that. People shouldn’t be judged by anything, but they are.
Overall, if you looked back in your life’s very own dwelling past then you would realize at one point or another you have been stereotyped yourself. For the most part, stereotyping is wrong and as I said before, unethical. There are many stereotypes out there, not even all of them being bad. However, no one wants to be put in a stereotypical group just based on looks, appearance, or any other minor factors that really shouldn’t even matter. There’s no doubt that stereotypes will be with us for as long humans exist. Yet, we should still do our uttermost best to try and prevent it from happening. The way I look at it, it doesn’t even really matter because in the end you’ll be you and I’ll be me.

So what you think?

Monday, February 18, 2008

Another Great Blog!!

I've currently been working on a new blog to help people quit the nasty habit of smoking.

Currently, the blog is undergoing maintenance. However, once completed, this site/blog will be a huge great and useful resource for those who are trying to quit smoking cigarettes permanently.

If you'd like to check out this new blog and keep up to date with it the direct URL is below.

Click Here

Thanks again fellow readers!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Orlando Magic Took A Loss To The Cavs...

Yea.. I'm not very proud about it. I've been an Orlando Magic fan for a while now since I've been living in Orlando. I've been to about 3 or 4 games now and they were all pretty serious.

Unfortunately the Magic did lose, but they're still #3 in the East which isn't too bad seeing how a lot of players on the team are somewhat "rookies".

Overall, the Orlando Magic has potential this year, and I'll be at as many games as I can to see them hopefully take the Championship.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Keys Fishing!!

Well folks!! There really isn't anything like fishing out in the Florida Keys! It's right near the reef and it can be very serious fishing. It does competitive from time time with the contests and fishing tournaments that are constantly held around the cities throughout the keys.

Keys fishing varies from snapper fishing, shark fishing, barracuda fishing, grouper fishing, dolphin (mahi mahi) fishing, snook fishing, and so much more! The possibilities are endless and if you ever have a chance to go on vacation I would highly recommend the keys!!

I've lived in the keys my whole life until recently because I moved out for college. Fishing was a part of my every day life in hearing, seeing and pretty much breathing from me and everyone else around. If you want to experience great fishing then I'd advise for you to make a trip to the Florida Keys.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

School's Back In Session!

Yea, it sucks. What does school mean though?

To me it means that you have to done a ton of work, and a ton of study. But for what? FOR YOUR FUTURE!!!

Last semester for me was a flop, so this semester I'm trying to do a little bit better. My classes this semester are as follows:

1. U.S. Government
2. Microeconomics
3. English Comp 1
4. College Algebra (MAC1105)

They aren't the best, but once I get through those I'll be closer to my goal of making and starting my own businesses.

If you're just a random person that doesn't want a degree but information on business, I highly recommend you to go take Micro/Macro economic and General Business courses. With those courses alone you'll have a great outlook on how to begin a successful business.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

GPT People!

Hey, Do any of you guys use Get Paid To programs? Wonder why offers might not credit? Want to know some REAL and LEGIT sites?

You should check out the Independent World Community! It's a great forum and site that is a ran by a friend of mine. It is free, but in order to use the forums you'll need to sign up under the main page.

What does this site offer?
Has promotions for GPT sites and monthly held contests the site admin pays out of her own pocket! And it doesn't cost money to join anything.

It's a great community with a ton of people that just are here to help out.
If you need help with Get Paid To sites, blogs, surveys, etc. come on over and stop by and check it out. I promise you wont be disappointed!

Independent World

Independent World Forums

Again, I'm not here trying to make money on my blog or trying to get people to sign up to benefit me, I'm just trying to help people out that WANT help.

So if you need help with anything, feel free to stop by there.

Name On Independent Forums: Twi$ted

If you join and need help please feel free to PM me on there.


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

1989 F-150 - Great Project To Work On

Well as you know, I'm a college student. And to tell you the truth, I'd really like to believe that I'm a hands-on type of person.

Anyways I got a 1989 Ford F-150 "Beater Truck" from a friend the other day.

A lot of people would be like "Why the hell would you want that?". To me I don't care. It'll give me something work on for a while.

I'm definitely going to fix this baby up some, but for now here's some pictures as to what it currently looks like, and it's not pretty.

WELL?!? What do you think?? Haha, that's what most people say. But it'll give me something to do.

First Things I'm Going To Do With It:
1. Install new mirrors
2. Put new tires on it
3. Put a CD Player in it
4. New Paint Job
5. Armor-all that sucker!

Don't worry I'll keep you updated with new pictures and show you how much better it will look.

Wish me luck with it!!

2008 Presidential Election!

Well, it's coming closer and closer. This is the year where us "young" people really need to make a stand!

Who's your pick? Really, voting is a huge deal! And yes, every vote does matter.
Unfortunately, if you haven't registered yet, you're a little to late.

The deadline was December 31st, 2007. However, this doesn't mean you can't still register!! Register so you can make a difference in 4 years.

Personally, I'm voting for Ron Paul. He seems to fit what I want our country to be like the most. I'm not going to go on a rant here just saying how Ron Paul is the best but I am putting a video up of an interview of him.

You don't believe in what he's got going? That's fine. We all have the right to vote for a reason!

Best of luck to ALL presidential candidates in 2008!

However, my vote is going to Ron Paul for President!

Happy New Years!!!

Did you have a crazy time during New Years this year round? I sure did!! I was back with my family and friends when I visited them in the Florida Keys.

It was New Years Eve, and me and my friends really couldn't find one thing to do. So we decided to go to Key West! Which is the southernmost point in the U.S. if you weren't real sure.

Any ways, Key West was crazy like always. We got some drinks and just started pounding them to begin the long awaited night of fun! Here's a video of what happened.

Regardless of all the drag queens, it was a fun night!

Happy New Years To All and May 2008 be Great To You!

About Me!

Hey there! My name is Jesse. I'm currently 18 and celebrate my birthday on July, 30th. I've lived in the Florida Keys my whole life, until recently I moved out for college.

Now I'm in Orlando, FL going to college and it's just a blast!!! There's nothing like college, that is the truth.

My current hobbies are sports, hanging out with friends, partying, clubbing, and finding ways to make money online.

I'm an entrepreneur at heart and always will be. I take risks when I feel I need to, to try and better myself as much financially and mentally/physically as I can.

Hope you enjoy my blog, seeing how I just started it out!