Friday, March 7, 2008

McCain - Republican Runner

Well, it's been finalized. While currently the democratic party is having a battle between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to determine who would represent their party, John McCain has dominated in the republican race. This makes him the primary runner for the presidential election for the Republican party for the year of 2008.

So, at least now that you voters know that the only republican you can vote for president is John McCain. But a lot of people wonder what does this man offer? What does he offer for the republican party? But most importantly, what does he have to offer to the nation?

Well, most people will tell you the one thing they know to be true about John McCain. He's a war fanatic. Would he really put an end to the war in Iraq or would he just keep it going? Unfortunately, a lot of these answers to these questions we all want to hear are just being fed to us at this point. We cannot determine if these statements and answers that presidential candidates are saying are true or false until they get to the White House.

Overall, would I vote for McCain? The answer is, probably not. I'm not real sure I like his war happy attitude, even though the man's life has been the military. I am a registered Republican, but I do not believe in voting for someone just because I am registered to that party. I personally like Obama's visions and talks of change in this presidential election more than anything at this current time.

Even if you don't agree with who I like, it's important to vote. Make sure to go out in November and make the vote because this person will be OUR president for the next 4 years.
Good luck, and God Bless America.


Unknown said...

You are uninformed. Ron Paul is still in the race. Far behind he may be but that doesn't mean McCain has it in the bag. Plus... Romney only suspended his campaign remember. Who's to say he wont jump back in last minute. It's totally legal to do so. McCain is NOT the Republican's only choice. We haven't even had the convention yet! People are so afraid of Ron Paul and are so eager to brainwash people into thinking he's out of the race. He's probably not going to win so why are people so afraid to admit that he's still in it and will be until the end?

Unknown said...

I'm sorry. But you must not of completely understood how I put it. Ron Paul is still in the race, but there is absolutely no chance in him winning it. We all know right now the delegates are the main concern and frankly I believe Ron Paul has ... 21? He stands no chance, therefore he is, technically speaking, out of the race.

Unknown said...

There is a small chance that he CAN still win. Admit it. If McCain has a heart attack for example! ;) It's POSSIBLE! I'm fairly confident that he has more then 21 delegates. No one knows for sure until the convention. And what about what I said about Romney? McCain doesn't have it in the bag so people should not be printing that he's our only option. People can write in whom ever they want.

Jesse said...

Lol.. That's funny, and seeing how he is so old I guess I could see that happening. Well, trust me I'm a Ron Paul fan myself, but I just don't think it's going to happen. And as for Mitt Romney. He stands no chance due to the fact that he suspended his own campaign for the presidential election. He's no longer in the race.

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