Monday, March 10, 2008

Bike Week Comes to an End in Daytona

Well, if you weren't in Daytona Beach last week you missed out!! Not only is it spring break, but last week was biker week. Tons of people from all of the place come to Daytona Beach at this time of the year to hang out with fellow bikers, drink, party, and to show off a few motorcycles.Seeing how my mom and sister live in Daytona, I had to make sure I came for at least one night during the time. It was crazy. Ladies are all around completely naked!! But are they naked? What they end up having on is the airbrush paint and I promise if you go next year you'll see more gals painted up in that!

Of course, I had to get my pre-game on seeing how I'm only 18. Let me just tell you one thing, and one thing for sure... Fake ID's work nicely.



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