Thursday, January 3, 2008

GPT People!

Hey, Do any of you guys use Get Paid To programs? Wonder why offers might not credit? Want to know some REAL and LEGIT sites?

You should check out the Independent World Community! It's a great forum and site that is a ran by a friend of mine. It is free, but in order to use the forums you'll need to sign up under the main page.

What does this site offer?
Has promotions for GPT sites and monthly held contests the site admin pays out of her own pocket! And it doesn't cost money to join anything.

It's a great community with a ton of people that just are here to help out.
If you need help with Get Paid To sites, blogs, surveys, etc. come on over and stop by and check it out. I promise you wont be disappointed!

Independent World

Independent World Forums

Again, I'm not here trying to make money on my blog or trying to get people to sign up to benefit me, I'm just trying to help people out that WANT help.

So if you need help with anything, feel free to stop by there.

Name On Independent Forums: Twi$ted

If you join and need help please feel free to PM me on there.



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